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IFTF Foresight Talk: The Capacity to Decolonize with Geci Karuri-Sebina
Embracing Diversity in Foresight - Geci Karuri-Sebina
Anticipatory Governance In Southern Africa - CST Webinar
peae geci
Building state capacity in South Africa in the era of pandemic
How to fix institutions, economy and leadership: Part 1
Научный симпозиум «Форсайт и НТИ политика» ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ // Сессия 4
XXII АНМК: Научный симпозиум «Форсайт и НТИ политика» ИСИЭЗ НИУ ВШЭ. Сессия 4
Professorial Inaugural address: Prof Cheryl Hendricks
PfP 1000 Celebration (Johannesburg) - Dr Mzukisi Qobo